When and How to Stop Breastfeeding Your Baby.

“Fed is best .”

Breastfeeding is both a beautiful experience and a stressful journey. Not all breastfeeding journeys go as planned and some mothers decide not to breastfeed or are unable to. Whatever the reason is, knowing when and how to stop breastfeeding your baby is crucial information.

How Long Should Mothers Breastfeed Their Babies for

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you feed your baby entirely on breastmilk for the first six months of life, if possible. In addition, the WHO recommends that your baby should continue to intake their mother’s milk in conjunction with other complementary foods until they reach the age of two years old.

Breastfeeding for the first six months of your baby’s life provides nutrition that your baby needs and health benefits, which is a huge plus to being able to breastfeed your babies. Did you know that babies could obtain half of their daily calorie intake solely from breastmilk from the ages of 11 to 16 months old?

When Mothers Should Stop Breastfeeding

There is no right time to stop breastfeeding your child and ultimately if you have the choice the decision to stop breastfeeding should be made by you and your baby. My motto is to continue for as long as both of you want!

I go into more detail on reasons why you should: Stop breastfeeding, how to stop breastfeeding, including step by step instructions on how to stop which is now on my blog post with Zulily. Check it out here: more information on when you should stop breastfeeding and more!

I partnered with Zulily to bring this post. While I may have been compensated, all opinions are my own.

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