Modern Cali Mom | Motherhood + Lifestyle Digital Content Creator Mama Life Why it took so long to tell my oldest I was pregnant.

Why it took so long to tell my oldest I was pregnant.

You are probably wondering why it took so long to tell my oldest that I was pregnant. 19 weeks to be exact!  I didn’t know how she would react. Up until the day we told her she did not like when other kids got near me or talked to me for too long! I would pick her up at daycare and she would tell the other kids

That is my mommy. Your mommy comes later. Please don’t touch her.

She would then block the kids from coming near me! LOL!

The Hormones Were Taking Over

In addition to the above, I think part of me was scared to tell her because I was afraid she would be sad if she knew that someone else was going to be sharing our love. I struggled with this for weeks. I even cried about it. It wasn’t that I was not happy about having another baby. We were so happy and feeling blessed. I was just sad to break my first baby’s heart and that she would feel left out. I also wondered if there was room in my heart for another baby. After several conversations with my friends and my husband I finally felt better. They all reassured me that my feelings were normal. That my heart would grow enough to be able to love both my children equally. With that in mind I told my husband I was ready to break the news after our 19 weeks anatomy scan.

The Day We Told Danica

Days leading up to my 19 week appointment I had read that Big Sibling presents worked really well with breaking the big news to your oldest. Dani at this point was really into dressing up so I figured I would get her something that she liked. In my mind I wanted to do everything right so that she would take the news well! After our appointment, Dave and I sat her down and told her we needed to talk. I started and said

hey Danica. We love you so much and guess what? You’re going to be a big sister! How fun is that?

She stayed quiet for a second and said


I could see that she was taken back a little and I immediately said

And guess what your baby sibling got you a gift!

Her attitude changed immediately to ecstatic and she opened her gift in 2.5 seconds. She was so happy she wanted to wear her princess dress to our gender revel photo shoot which happened to be that same afternoon!

My Heart is Happy

You guys don’t even understand how terrified I was for this conversation to happen. I kept thinking to myself “how am I this afraid to talk to my toddler!” Since then, all she does is talk about how she wants to meet her baby brother. She wants to play with him. She wants to hug and kiss him. She also says she wants to hold his hand while we drive in the car like

me and mommy do

She kisses him every night before bed and says

I will see you in a few months baby

I’m literally crying as I type this because my heart is so happy! We underestimated the situation thinking that she would freak out and instead she has reacted in the sweetest way. We make sure to to always tell her that her baby brother loves her and that he is SO excited to meet his big sister! We play up her big sister role so much so that she can feel extra special. I don’t know why I waited so long to tell her, but I’m so glad she knows now.

Here are some Big Sister Gift Ideas that I wanted to share with you all:

Princess Dresses Trunk

Big Sister Book + Crown Kit (OMG Adorable!) 

Big Sisters are the Best- Book

Here our a few gender reveal pictures where you can see Danica wearing her princess dress that her big brother gave her! She did not want to take it off! Gah, my heart is so full!

Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart

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