I am enough.
One of my favorite affirmations I repeat to myself on a daily basis because heck yes I am.
My love for affirmations runs deep! I highly believe that that if you wake up every day and repeat affirmations to yourself before you start your day you are bound to have a better day. You are training your brain a new way of thinking. Will your life be transformed after 1-2 days of repeating affirmations to yourself? No, but don’t give up! Like anything else it takes at least 21 days in a row to develop a habit. Give it 21 consecutive days and see for yourself! Quick tip: If you are a visual person, like me, I like writing my daily affirmations on a Post-It and sticking it somewhere I can see it on a daily basis. This is not a requirement. The only suggestion is to repeat a positive affirmation 3 times daily (loud enough that you can hear yourself) for 21 consecutive days.
The words and the way we speak to our children ultimately become their inner voice.
It got me thinking recently that if affirmations have transformed the way of my thinking for the better, I wonder if it would do the same for my daughter. Kids love praise and I think it helps build their self-esteem. In my opinion, it’s never to early to instill positive affirmations into young children. What they hear at home is what ultimately becomes their inner voice. I want my children to always speak positively about themselves whether that is about: their personality, their image, their ideas, their worth, etc. How else do they develop this confidence if we don’t show them?

#raise good humans
We build our kid’s self-esteem by speaking and showing them why they are so special.
I wanted to make this project fun for my 4 year old daughter, so I figured buying colorful Post-Its would be a must! We started a routine that every morning we would each write down an affirmation, repeat it out loud three times & then stick it up on the playroom closet door for us to see as our daily reminder. We love rainbows, so we made this into a beautiful rainbow wall of affirmations.

We love our affirmations around here!
Positive Affirmations for Kids
- I am Brave
- I am Enough.
- I am Smart.
- I love myself.
- I believe in myself.
- I can be anything I want.

Positive Affirmations to Say to your Kids
- I’m proud of you.
- You inspire me.
- Wow, you are so kind.
- You are so brave.
- You are such a great kid.
- I love how creative you are.

This might as well be our family motto!
be kind. always. no matter what.
I hope the affirmation suggestions above are helpful. Sometimes I run out of affirmations to use for myself and to tell Dani. It’s okay to repeat the same affirmations on a daily basis. Dani recently asked me:
Mommy, is it okay to write I am nice again today or was I only to be nice yesterday. I want to be nice again today and maybe until Thursday!
Ha-ha! Sweetest & funniest girl ever, right?

I have seen such an increase in self-confidence and positive talk in my 4 year old since we started this project. I often hear her saying “I’m brave. I can do this. I just have to keep trying.” How freaking amazing is that? We started looping in my 1 year old, but he just giggles and puts the Post Its on the door for us. You better believe that as soon as he is old enough we will do this with him as well!
You have nothing to lose.
All you need is paper, something to write with and a willingness to change your way of thinking into a more positive direction. My daughter absolutely loves doing this and it has helped her so much! I love doing it as well and it has renewed my way of thinking.
Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks. Dris

What a great idea! I’m going to try it with my kids.
Thanks! Yes, they will love this!
This is so sweet and amazing! I want to do this with my daughters!
Thanks mama! My daughter really enjoyed it!
OMG this is too precious! I love this idea. I don’t have kids right now but I’ll keep this idea in mind whenever I do have them. Those pictures are adorable.
Awe, thanks so so much!
These are nice affirmations. I think it will help kids remember who they are and give them the confidence they need.
Thanks, I think so too!
I love how much effort modern parents put into raising their children! It’s such a breath of fresh air to see compared to how most of my friends and I were raised, and we all have a lot of self esteem issues because of it. The next generation are going to be so much happier because of exercises like this, and the world will be a much brighter place! ☺️
Aweee, thanks! I really hope our kids do change the future for the better!
Love these! The wall of sticky notes is so cute!
Thanks so much! My favorite art project to date!
This is such a great idea, we do this already but doing it with kids and starting them young sadly didn’t cross our minds. We would love to inculcate this habit in our nieces and nephews. Love that one “The words and the way we speak to our children ultimately become their inner voice” We do feel that statement even holds true to anyone (even adults) around us. Kind words are so important.
Thanks so much and I agree!
Wow! I love this idea. My daughter will love this project. It will help her confidence too. Thank you for sharing.
Yay, thanks! 🙂 I hope you and your daughter try it out and enjoy it!
Love what you’re doing!! Seems like it’s already having an impact on your daughter 🙂
Awe, thanks so much!
This is such an awesome idea. I will share this post with my daughter so she can start doing this with her son. This is really going to help build his confidence!
That’s awesome! I hope they enjoy it, thanks!
At what age do I start? My girls under 3 and they don’t talk yet! I do alot of praises… but I also do alot yelling and “noooooo” You’re so inspiring.
Thanks so much! I think probably 4 when they understand, but every kid is different and I’m not a doctor. Maybe try it out and see what happens? Parenthood is all about trial and error on activities, etc. I have been giving them positive comments since they were babies, they’re smarter than we think 🙂
This is such a great idea and I like how this post is promoting a positive message.
I appreciate it so much!