Whether you bottle fed, pumped, or breastfed or all of the above; you are doing great mama!
I breastfeed Danica for 2.5 years. It wasn’t easy but with the right tools I was able to successfully breastfeed for longer than expected. I knew with Dylan that I wanted to have the same success, so I made sure I had all the essentials to start our breastfeeding journey.
One of the most important tools in breastfeeding for me was the nursing pillow. Having to hold a little itty bitty newborn to your breast on top of making sure they latch, they are breathing properly , etc. is stressful enough! I was given the Boppy Nursing Pillow to test and this was life changing for my breastfeeding experience.
The Boppy Nursing Pillow is meant to serve 4 purposes: nursing, propping, tummy time and sitting. I love that this pillow grows with your child. The pillow is structured so that your baby is ergonomically propped in position to breastfeed. I could tell that Dylan is so much more comfortable nursing on the pillow than without. In addition, it provides comfort for me. This is extremely important as sometimes nursing sessions could last 30-45 minutes. Comfort is everything to me when breastfeeding. Babies can sense the tension I’ve read and I’ve tested that theory out myself. Feeding him without the pillow always ends in tears. I could tell he enjoys the comfort of being on the Boppy Nursing Pillow . I mean who wouldn’t want to be laying on a comfy pillow while eating.

As I mentioned above, the Boppy Nursing Pillow grows with your child. It’s recommended to be used for the 1st year of their life. Dylan right now is 2.5 months so we are utilizing the pillow for nursing, propping and tummy time. I love setting him down on the pillow to burp him as well. I don’t know why but it takes everything in me to help him burp. About 10 minutes after I feed him from one side, I lay him on the pillow in tummy time position and he burps right away! Thank goodness I was able to find out this trick because he is so not a happy camper if he has a burp that mama can’t get out!

The other wonderful thing I love about this pillow is the ability to prop your babe on the pillow after feeding. Poor Dylan suffers from reflux. It’s always so nice to prop him up after a feeding so that he does not get an upset stomach. He enjoys it so much.

I am excited for the next phase for when Dylan is ready to sit down. The “U” shape of this pillow is ideal to help sit. I can’t wait to get to that phase.
After my review of this product I would definitely recommend this to a new mama who is on the journey to breastfeed her child. It makes the journey so much more easier. I love how functional the pillow is and you will too!
If you have any other questions about the pillow please reach out to me. Thanks for reading! xo, Dris