My Postpartum Health Journey w/Atkins

This post is sponsored by Atkins Nutritional, Inc.

My Postpartum health journey isn’t about getting back to where my body was before I had kids. That is impossible. After all I have had two beautiful kids and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. This journey of mine is about shedding off the extra weight that is making me feel sluggish. Increasing my energy because hello mom life with two kids is no walk in the park! This journey is about being able to feel comfortable in the type of clothes I like to wear. Having the energy to enjoy my life with my family is super important to me. When I feel good and work on myself I in turn can give back to others including my family.

First months I lost 5lbs!! This is how excited I was to see results!!!

Dear Body, I love you.

In the last 3 years this body has created two beautiful children. Loving my body is a must on this postpartum health journey!

A healthy mom is the best thing you can give your babies.

With my first pregnancy I remember trying every diet fad postpartum to get me back in shape. I could definitely lose the weight fast with other diets, but it never worked for me with lasting results. I had come across Atkins and my life was forever changed. I knew this time after having my 2nd child that Atkins was going to be my number one choice because of my successful results after having my first child.

Atkins is an easy lifestyle that is based on portion control and Atkins 40 is based on eating 40g net carbs per day. I love that you can enjoy a wide variety of food on this weight loss program.

You don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat right.

One of the many reasons I love Atkins is because the eating options are extremely flexible and easy to follow. Being a working mom with a 3 year old and a 6 month old is tough! I make sure to always carry their products handy for when I get hungry on the go! I find this eliminates me driving through the nearest fast food restaurant or eating my kid’s snacks!

I am a big fan of their products. Their Atkins Bars are seriously so good! Not too sweet and super filling! I typically eat one of these as a snack or as a replacement meal! They have a variety of flavors and taste so good!

Here are a few of my favorite bars:

I always carry a shake and bar in every purse I own (diaper bag, work laptop bag, my regular purse)

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

I’m also a big fan of the Atkins Shakes ! The strawberry shake taste so good and it’s typically my go to flavor until just recently when I discovered their Cafe Caramel Protein Shake (Made w/ Real Coffee!) . If this isn’t the best combo you have ever heard of then we shouldn’t be friends (kidding!). I think this is a genius idea. It’s hands down my favorite combo! If it’s one thing I love it’s that all of their products keep me satisfied until the next meal and help me maintain a steady energy level!

Love these Protein Shakes so much!

I’ve lost 14 lbs on Atkins thus far and every day I feel better and more energized. This program has educated me on the benefits of being on a Low Carb Lifestyle. They have provided me with the products and tools I need to have a successful outcome and a continued path on my postpartum health journey and for that I’m forever grateful. I’m more confident in my body being 6 months postpartum. I feel good. More energized. Thank you Atkins!

xo, DRIS

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22 thoughts on “My Postpartum Health Journey w/Atkins”

  1. I love hearing about your journey! Nothing is easier after kids….especially getting on the path to healthy. I’ve heard great things about this line and will be adding it to my grocery list!

    1. Thanks Mama! It seriously has helped whip me back into shape! I appreciate the support!

  2. This is so inspiring! I’m starting my weight loss journey (finally) after having baby #1 and Atkins does seem like the best way to go to keep me on track.

    1. Awe thank you! I’m so proud of YOU! You can do this! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! 🙂 You will do amazing with this program!

  3. I want to try those shakes and bars!! This might be my next go-to in my health journey! You look so amazing girl! And are such an inspiration!

    1. Thanks for the support mama! YES those shakes and bars seriously have been the best help for me. It’s so hard running around as a mom and trying your best to stay healthy on your own. Being able to grab a shake and bar every time I leave the house when I pack the kid’s snacks is amazing!

  4. You are so inspiring mama! You look incredible and so are your results. I’ve always heard about Atkins and you make me want to try it.

    1. Thank you Ashley! YES!! Ask me any questions that you may have! Seriously best program ever!

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. The goal is to be in the best shape of our lives especially after giving birth to beautiful children. Our bodies are amazing!

  6. I loved reading about your journey! It’s so hard to get back into your pre mama bod post baby! I need to start making better food choices.

  7. Yay!!! It’s awesome you found something that works for you! And congratulations on your results! Keep it up mama. You’re always fabulous!

  8. I think you look fabulous and I’ve heard great things about a high protein diet for weight loss.

  9. Wow, I love it! This is beautiful and soooo on point, I also happen to love Atkins bars as a treat to help me stay on track. I am all about a health journey, not getting “back” my old body. Love love love this post!

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