The most precious thing you ever get to wear is your baby.
If it’s one baby product I can tell every new mom to get before your sweet baby arrives it would be a good quality baby carrier and wrap! I can’t express to you how much baby carrying saved my life as a new mom with Danica. I was able to enjoy every single newborn moment cuddling with Danica and now I get to do that again with Dylan! The baby carrier was one of the first things I took out when Dylan’s due date was getting close.

This is a major #throwback. Dani was 2 months old here. Twinning since day one !
In addition to getting things done around the house babywearing has allowed me to feel more confident when dealing with a fussy baby. I swear that baby wearing saved me from lots of fussiness and crying from both my kids and myself, ha! There is something magical about babywearing that automatically makes your baby feel safe as soon as you carry them! There has not been one moment that babywearing has not calmed Dani or Dylan from crying.

This is me carrying Danica on a 2.5 hour hike while on vacation 2 years ago.
The more I wore Danica the more comfortable I felt in carrying her whenever and wherever. I consider myself a pro now with Dylan! I didn’t feel that way in the beginning but like with everything once you do it a few times you get really good at it! I feel more confident in going out in public and going on vacation because I know I can easily put them in the carrier and I still have two hands to maneuver around.
Food spoils. Babies don’t. Hold her. Wear her. Breathe her in. Keep her close. It goes too fast.
One suggestion: don’t listen to advice from your neighbor’s neighbor about babywearing ruining your child! I remember getting the advice that carrying my baby too much would cause them to always want to be carried. I’m sorry but is that a bad thing, ha?! Or “if you carry them too much you will just raise a needy baby!” I’m here to tell you that I wore Danica for 2.5 years and she is independent, fearless, extremely sociable and adventurous. Loving your child too much won’t cause any harm so it baffles me when people say you will ruin kids by wearing them! These moments fly by too fast, so cuddle and wear the heck out of your babies because there will be a day where they won’t want you to carry them. TRUST ME. We can cry together later. If you haven’t been convinced about babywearing by now here are some benefits that will hopefully get you on board.
Benefits of Babywearing
- Strengthens bond between you and your baby.
- A carried baby is said to be generally calmer.
- It allows you to discreetly breastfeed your baby.
- Allows mom to be more hands-free to get stuff done while holding baby.
- It allows you to cuddle your baby more.
- Calms baby down when fussy.

This was the first time I wore Dylan on our trip to the beach.
Baby wearing has helped me SO MUCH more now that I have two kids. I could easily wear Dylan and hold Danica’s hands. I honestly can list a million reasons on why you should consider baby wearing, but I don’t want to bore you. I’m giving you some of my main reasons why I believe baby wearing is amazing!

Don’t miss out on adventures because you are afraid your baby will cry during them, just baby wear!
If I die someone please tell my husband how much my carriers are REALLY worth, ha!

Dave is a huge fan of baby wearing #dadgoals
Dave LOVES baby wearing as well. He like me was quite nervous in the beginning but when I became an “expert” and he saw for himself all the benefits he jumped on board! Now with Dylan he doesn’t ask for help getting him in the carrier. He is a pro at this baby wearing life! We have a toddler carrier for Danica that sometimes he wears her in when we are going on long walks, etc.
Baby wearing is like wearing a hug from your child.
This is not an ad. I encourage you try baby wearing. I encourage you to go to a babywearing group in your local area to speak to an expert so that you can find yourself the right carrier/wrap. I’m here to share the things that have helped me with my motherhood journey and babywearing has hands down been one of the most important tools in my journey as a mother. One of the best moments I have are that of carrying my children close to me while babywearing. I wish I could carry them forever. I mean I could totally see myself carrying them in the carrier to college, ha! I would if I could and I know you would too, ha ! Your kids grow up way too fast and there will be a time where all they want to do is run around and not be carried. I don’t want that time to come, but it’s inevitable. So for now I enjoy every cuddle I can and I wish that on you as well.
xo, Dris
I love this baby wearing post! It’s scary at first, but once you do your research on YouTube or Tula or Solly tutorial videos you are golden!
Thanks so much and yes the tutorial videos are amazing! Very helpful! Good luck on your journey.
LOVE this! What is your favorite brand of carriers?
I used Solly Wrap when Dylan was a newborn-4 months. He got too heavy so I transferred him into our Tula. It’s super comfy. The material is breathable.
Babywearing is seriously the best. Being hands friends for one, amazing benefits and convenience 🙌🏻
YESS mama YESS! It’s hands down the best. Glad you are with me~
Yup girl! Baby wearing is everything! Both my girls loved it and so did I. And mama was able to get ish done! 🤣
Yes, I wouldn’t have survived without baby wearing! It’s an essential!