You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
The pandemic has really made parents become more creative with activities to plan for their kids since schools are shut and/or we are social distancing from our playdates. My sympathy for teachers who create curriculums all year long runs deep! Arts and crafts have always been on top of our fun activities to do for our kids, especially during the pandemic.
Planning activities can be stressful for some of you to come up with consistently, but I have you covered. I love creating new ideas for crafts for my kids especially really simple ones with things we already have in our home. Can we say mom win? Read along as I bring you fun activities for our kids to do during the pandemic.
I list these crafts in depth, step by step, on Zulily’s page to bring you some unique crafts, enjoy!
Thanks, Dris
I partnered with Zulily to bring you this post. While I may have been compensated, all opinions are my own.