Fresh air is really the best medicine.
It’s been 5 long weeks of being quarantined, social distancing from everyone, and perhaps adding working from home with small children. I’m sending you all the wine and coffee in the world because you all deserve it! Keeping reading as I give you a fun idea that you can do with your kids during this time!
I hope your coffee is stronger than your toddler.
This quote couldn’t be more true in the times we are in now, aimrite?
After the first few days of trying to work from home with two kids under 4 I knew I had to find a happy medium in between all the chaos. I thought how could I take a break during my lunch time to spend quality time with my children, feed them, and also burn off all the stress that was accumulating. We all love long walks and live near a horse farm. The 3rd day into quarantine and working from home I thought I’m going to pack the kid’s lunches, put them in the wagon, and run over to the horse farm. They can enjoy their lunches, I get some fresh air to help with the stress and we all enjoy being outdoors.

This has been our ritual for the last 39 days. We don’t miss a day of lunch on the go and enjoying our sweet time together as a family. Rain or shine. We look forward to this time and I wanted to share that something so easy, can make this quarantine time go by a little bit sweeter. You don’t need a wagon to do this. A stroller would work as well! Given the busyness of our day I also make a very QUICK and healthy lunch for each of the kids. I thought I’d share those with you in hopes that you realize how easy this can be for you. I feel for you mamas!

Dylan loves blueberries, rotisserie chicken, & cuties. I add peas to his meals as well.

Dani loves strawberries, cuties, and sandwich meat.
See how easy these meals can be? It takes 5 minutes to prep their meals and snacks! Hope these easy lunch ideas help you mamas out!
I always say work smarter, not harder!
Snacks are life!
Don’t ever forget the snacks on these walks, trust me you will pay for it if you do LOL! Mom Rule 101, ha! I repeat, do not forget the snacks!
Besties for the resties.

Tip: take as many pictures as you can of your walks. We are living in history right now and how amazing that you can reflect capturing these moments with your family.

Dani will sometimes pack coloring books and books to read to her baby brother. Whatever keeps them entertained so we all get out and get some fresh air is key. It’s amazing how much better we all feel when we get back. Dylan goes down for his afternoon nap as soon as we get back. Dani will rest for a few hours and mama gets a chance to finish up her work! Also, not pictured above is a BUBBLE MACHINE! They seriously make everything better. Highly recommend tugging it along in the wagon or stroller. Something about bubbles that make me smile!

This too shall pass.
It really will, stay strong!
I know we are all in a very stressful time of our lives. I hope that this post helped with some ideas on getting out and getting some fresh air. Even if you go walk around the block. Getting fresh air does wonders for the soul and your mental health. Sending prayers for you & your family. I pray that this quarantine is lifted soon. Hang in there mamas! xo, Dris
Awesome idea actually! The first couple of weeks were nuts to be honest lol but we managed to get the hang of it and things are a lot better now.
Ha ha glad you’re hanging in there!
What an adorable post, and with so much inspiration! Those two cuddling was my favorite aspect 🙂
Awe thanks! Stay safe!
This is awesome! I better get my butt in shape! Love the easy ideas for lunch and the bubble machine! #momwin
Ha ha ! Yay! Let me know how those walks go!! Love helping y’all out.
The bubble machine is seriously genius! Thanks.
Right? Kids love the simple things! They do make me smile too tho 🙂
A VERY timely post for most of us these day!
YES! Exactly I thought it would be helpful during these times.
Yes! We need to get fresh air! Looks like a beautiful day. Beautiful family!
Thanks so much!Lucky we are blessed to still be able to go outside!
So far I’m loving this lockdown, for the first time in awhile we’re not running after everyone’s schedules 😅
Ha, that’s a GREAT way to look at it! Stay safe mama!
It’s good to see you and the kids making the best of our current situation. Stay safe x
Thanks, we are trying our best!
Thanks for the tips! What a great stroller wagon!
Thanks so much and you’re welcome!
This looks like you guys had so much fun! will have to do this with my kids:)
Yes! Great activity! And thanks
I think of so many Moms and parents in your situation right now. At least you can enjoy the outdoors! Good luck and hopefully things turn around soon.
Yes exactly! Thanks.
I don’t have kids but all of these apply to adults as well! Especially fresh air being the best medicine!
Thanks and very true!
Enjoy those moments! Haha! It may sound really tiring and crazy but you’ll treasure those in the future. =) You got lovely kids.
Awe thanks so much!
My preschool made a park for the kids, but the kids made the park. Just the simple things like the park and your meals for the kids will make them happy!
So far I’m enjoying my stay home, surprisingly! I’m an extrovert, I miss my friends and friends but I understand that we all need to stay home (I’m stuck with my boyfriend… help! lmao). It looks like you’re having so much fun as family bonding is always the best! Stay safe!
That’s so awesome! I’m the same extrovert ALL the way. But like you I understand the need for staying home! 🙂 Take care and stay safe. WE GO THIS!
Wow! I love all these tips, thank you for sharing! I love the wagon btw.
Thanks so much! Hope they help you a little 🙂 Yes, such a cool wagon, right? The kids and I love it. Take care.
I am an introvert, so far I am loving my time at home but there are times I do feel overwhelmed.
I’m glad you’re enjoying your time at home!! Stay safe out there.
I love to see how you turn things around 180 degrees. Like this COVID is freaking us out but God turned it for good. I like what you are doing.
Thanks so much!
Thank you for the post. Wonderful tips. We should take advantage of having more family time.
YeS!! Since I work full time I’m trying so hard to enjoy the good moments with the kids since I have them 24/7 right now!
I have a large park by me and I live in NYC but the stress of wearings masks, gloves and scrubbing down whenever I come back in stops me from doing it daily. I love that you have such open outdoors. More than enough space to be socially distant.
Oh goodness, I don’t blame you! I think even opening up a window to get some air helps too! We love NYC!!!! Such a special place for our family! Stay safe
my kids are getting bored. this can really help ease their boredom. thanks!
Awe I bet mama!! I was starting to get bored too, LOL!! YES, hope you can try this with them! Good luck and hang in there ♥️🙏🌈
This article is full of information thank you for such informative article. Rida Ali
Yay! I’m glad you found some tips.
This are some cool tips for everyone. I will also try yo implement few of then for myself.
Yay! Hope they work for you!🙏♥️
Yes, it IS making me crazy. Thanks for the tips. Just can’t wait for this to get over!
I know, sooooo tough!!! Praying for it to be over soon too!
That must have been a fun time for you and your kids. I love the healthy meals you packed for them. It would be nice to be able to take a walk outdoors but for now, since we are not allowed to do that, we will make do with staying home and finding ways to kill the boredom.
Awe sending you love!
Love these tips, thanks for sharing!
Yay, hope they helped you!
I do not have kids, but surely it’s tough times for people with kids. Great post.
Tried one of your tips. My daughter was soooooooo delighted
Thanks for sharing these
Awe that’s awesome! I’m so glad
Healthy meals and walks with kids are extremely important at this time and always. Hoping we can get control this virus soon.
Yes, me too!
You make things fun during this lockdown period.
Awe thanks trying my best to stay sane🤪
Fresh air is extremely important. I try letting the kids play in the yard.
That’s awesome mama!! Hang in there ♥️
I love getting out and going on walks in nature! Great snack ideas and very easy!
Yay!! We are lucky we can go outside 🙂
Your quotes had me laughing. I don’t have kids but that toddler things I’ll keep in my mind for a long
ha, love it!
Thankfully, like you, I am able to go out for fresh air every day. My daughter and I take a walk in our village and it sets the tone for the day.
that’s awesome! Enjoy and stay safe!